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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
Original language


SB Caves

50,000 eBooks of debut novel sold! Blistering multi-strand atmospheric thriller with authentic characters
Jack wouldn't have noticed if it weren't for the man's eyes. He knows it's the man he last saw as a boy – the boy who killed his wife. And he knows the only thing that will end his torment is acting out his revenge. But he can't do it alone.

His sister-in-law thinks he's crazy, but she too wants the nightmares to stop — but she can't condone murder. She'll convince Jack to kidnap Morley and get him to confess to the police. Everything is planned – the van, the hiding place. The hammer. All she has to do is drive.

But things don't go according to plan. Morley puts up a fight, overpowering Jack until Emily steps in. Now she's in too deep. Someone sees them. The police are called.

And that's when things get really bad for Jack, for Emily, for Morley, and for Morley's friend Dillon.

Because Morley and Dillon just took receipt of a pack of heroin. Heroin that the police searching Morley's flat just confiscated. And the people who gave the drugs to the two men want it, or the money, back. If Dillon can't find Morley, the debt is his, and the people collecting it aren't very understanding.

Worlds collide as Dillon starts a drug-fuelled search for his friend, circling closer to Craig alongside the police, and the Dutch mafia, who want their money back.

Jack and Emily are oblivious to what's happening in the outside world, in the danger that's gaining on them. And as the pressure ramps up, Jack begins to crack, and Emily starts to doubt everything.

Born and raised in North London, SB Caves is a screenwriter and boxing fanatic.
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Published 2019-08-01 by Canelo


W F Howes