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Kathy Patalsky

Boost Your Health With a Rainbow of Fruits and Veggies

Boost your health and wellness through a rainbow of fruit and vegetables with 365 nutritious and delicious vegan smoothies, one for every day of the year!
From the frosty sweet Peach Pick-Me-Up to the revitalizing Green with Energy, smoothies are an easy, healthy, and fun way to add diversity to your diet and improve wellness. All the smoothie recipes in this book are free of animal products (including dairy, eggs, and even honey) and the saturated fats, chemicals, and hormones that go along with them. Author Kathy Patalsky, founder of the vegan blog Healthy.Happy.Life, developed 365 innovative smoothie recipes, organized by month. Each month has a wellness theme, like detoxification, brain-boosters, healthy digestion, or weight loss, and readers can follow the program month-to-month or jump around based on their wellness needs. If you’re feeling down, whip up a Cheerful Chocolate Chia, which has B-complex vitamins and omega fatty acids to boost serotoninlevels, or if you’re feeling stressed try the Chamomile Tea Calmer, which will soothe you into a state of Zen. If readers do choose to follow Kathy’s flexible twelve-month program, they can start at any point of the year with any of the wellness themes. 365 VEGAN SMOOTHIES also contains a comprehensive guide to the health benefits of a vegan diet, simple steps to veganize your smoothie pantry, and a summary of the nutritional properties and benefits of each of the ingredients used in the smoothie recipes. With a fun, accessible package that includes color photographs from the author’s collection to open each chapter, 365 VEGAN SMOOTHIES will encourage anyone to make vegan smoothies an integral part of their everyday diet. Kathy Patalsky has had a passion for smoothies since her childhood growing up as a California girl in sunny Santa Cruz. In fact, her first job in high school was at Jamba Juice. Kathy’s love for blending up delicious, healthy, vegan smoothies is now a part of her career as a food blogger, writer, and photographer, and her blog Healthy.Happy.Life gets 500,000 unique visitors per month. She also writes daily for’s FamilyKitchen blog and created the site Finding Vegan. Her photography appears regularly in VegNews magazine.
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Published 2013-07-02 by Avery


Published 2013-07-02 by Avery


Even with the vastness of the internet, Kathy Patalsky is one of those people who you’ll eventually stumble across. She’s everywhere. A serial entrepreneur constantly trying new things. You’ve probably stumbled across one of her recipes or websites and not even known it. We caught up with Kathy to ask her about some of her projects, and to find out what kind of people-food her cat likes… Read more...

72 Hours with Kathy Patalsky.