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Heel Verlag
Stephanie Becker-Barth
Original language


Rudolf Jaeger


SPECIFICATIONS: ●●●128 pages ●●●approx. 150 colour photographs ●●●word count: approx. 17,800 ●●●softcover ●●●trim size 183 x 225 mm ●●●retail price: € 14.99

Rudolf Jaeger, head of the BBQ Sports Club and author of the bestselling “Ultimate Grilling Bible”, introduces enthusiasts of outdoor cuisine to the wood-fired oven, a very primal way of cooking, and its special requirements. Origins of the craft of wood-fired cooking actually lie in Italy but it became increasingly popular during the last few years throughout the world. Though wood ovens are still mainly known for baking bread or pizza they offer a lot more ways of utilisation, from grilling to cooking “au gratin”, stewing and smoking. Prior to presenting his selection of bold and delicious recipes the author explains what to take care of when selecting and installing a wood oven by oneself. Though the use of a wood oven is basically simple one has to take care of aspects like pre-heating, baking times and temperatures as well as the choice of woods. The author finally provides special advice like using the residual heat for drying mushrooms or desiccating fruits.

A true hands-on guide for everybody who wants to enjoy self-made specialities from the wood-fired oven

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Published 2015-11-01 by HEEL Verlag , ISBN: 9783958432185

Main content page count: 128 Pages

ISBN: 9783958432185