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Secrets of Gas War

Gamal Taha

Day after Day... The importance of natural gas in generating energy increases worldwide. This book highlights the power balance and the future of energy in the region, through important points: - The date of discovery of gas and oil worldwide - The Russian gas and how it is related to Europe, and the Russian control over many political incidents like preventing, supporting, and searching for new ways. - Discovering the Egyptian gas in the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Turkish anger over the loss of influence in the region - Qatar, which has the world's largest gas field with Iran, seeks today to reconstruct Syria after financing extremists there because it is the only route of Qatari gas to the Mediterranean. All of this is presented in a simplified and easy way for non-specialists, in order for them to enjoy and benefit from it.
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Published by Nahdet Misr Publishing House

Main content page count: 208 Pages


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