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Friederike Barakat
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German for Everyone – The Ultimate Textbook

Abbas Khider

Hitler, Scheiße, Lufthansa. These were the only three German words that Abbas Khider knew when he fled from Iraq. Twenty years later, he is an award-winning German writer. This is his unusual textbook for a new style of German. It is packed with stories and life, as well as numerous lessons on how to develop a cosmopolitan outlook and humour.

His writing is free of accent, but he will probably never speak without an accent. Abbas Khider used to dream of changing the world one day. Today he thinks the German language is a good place to start. German for Everyone is a book that comforts all learners of German and their relatives, as well as expats, migrants and people in multilingual relationships; it is also a handbook for all those nerds who think they are already proficient on German - and like it. In a provocative, enlightening and entertaining way, Abbas Khider succeeds in satirising German society too. Readers will have fun with his reform of the German language.

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Published 2019-02-01 by Deuticke Verlag

Main content page count: 128 Pages


»Since I learned German, I have given up my dream of changing the world. Now I only have one goal in life: to reform this language.«

Abbas Khider