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Kirsten R. Ghodsee

What 2000 Years of Wild Experiments Can Teach Us About the Good Life

Everyday Utopia takes readers through two millennia of utopia thinking and tells us what these ideas can teach us all about home, family, hope and happiness.
Everday Utopia is a tour through 2,000 years of audacious utopian thinking and experiments, exploring better ways to arrange our daily lives, plus a globetrotting jaunt to the communities already putting these seemingly fanciful visions into practice today. Ghodsee goes around the world to explore those places that have boldly dared to reimagine how we might live our daily lives: from the Danish cohousing communities that share chores and deepen neighborly bonds to matriarchal Colombian ecovillages where residents grow all their own food; and from Connecticut, where new laws make it easier for extra "alloparents" to help raise children not their own, to China, where planned microdistricts ensure everything a busy household might need is nearby.

One of those startlingly rare books that upends what you think is possible, Everyday Utopia offers a radically hopeful vision for how to build more contented and connected societies, alongside a practical guide to what we all can do in the meantime to live the good life each and every day.

Kristen R. Ghodsee is a Professor of Russian and East European Studies at the University of Pennsylvania and the critically acclaimed author of Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence, which has been translated into fourteen languages. Her writing has been published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Republic, Le Monde Diplomatique, and Jacobin, among other outlets, and she's appeared on PBS NewsHour and France 24 as well as on dozens of podcasts, including NPR's Throughline and New York magazine's The Cut.
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Published 2023-05-01 by Simon & Schuster


Utopia is back! And it ought to be taken seriously, as history is made by the dreamers. If you want to open up new futures for our private lives, please have a look at this refreshing book. A must-read.

Kristen Ghodsee has boldly gone where few would dare to tread. In this warm, intelligent, and lucid book, she takes us on a deep dive into how people have created better systems for living - systems that actually work. With clear-eyed views of how utopian communities can promote human thriving, she offers hope in a time when we desperately need new ways of imagining the future.

My god, this book is what I need right now! Exhilarating, good humored, and forward looking, it's blown open my brain. What a powerful reminder that dreaming of better worlds is not just some fantastical project, but also a very serious political one.

More could be possible than we imagine - that's the liberating and inspirational message of Kristen Ghodsee's sweeping feminist history of society at its most creative. What a gift she's given us with this mind-broadening investigation into how for millennia our fellow human beings have reckoned with the toughest questions of fidelity, family, and love."

Invigorating writing for a cheerless era. Having explained to us Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism, Kristen Ghodsee is back with another splendid insight: utopia can, and ought to, be an everyday thing, in every home.

Dutch: EPO